Dialogue With The Star

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pls... Forget Me or even hate me.

Finally, we give our love an ending. A perfect but sad ending. I thought I have lost all the feelings but who knows after this breaking up, everything came back and won my disappointment. I thought I won't cry but I cried, just like the first breaking up.

I never know how important u were in my life and don't know how much have you occupied in my life, not after everything ends. A morning without your msg, a day without your tease, an afternoon without missing you and a night without saying goodnight and I Love You.

Are all these habits? Ya, they are but habits with love. Now, the gone feelings are back, but everything is gone. Why must my feelings torture me like this? I don't know. Guess I am too rational to even have any feelings. I am just not qualified to own any feelings. I can't control them.

Life must go on and we will meet some1 that worth our love, just like how we used to be in each other heart. Like you said, if we were destined to be together, we will get back together one day. Now, just start a life without you, and also without nobody except friends, family and books.

I will try my best to settle down, get used to your absence in my life, though it may take a long time. But now,


Forever Love~
But in a different manner.

我爱他 --- 叮当

他的輕狂留在 某一節車廂
地下鐵裡的風 比回憶還重

對他唯一遺憾 是分手那天
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
若那一刻重來 我不哭

我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
曾為他 相信明天就是未來
情節有多壞 都不肯醒來

我愛他 跌跌撞撞到絕望
我的心 深深傷過卻不會忘
我和他 不再屬于這個地方
最初的天堂 最終的荒唐*

如果還有遺憾 又怎麼樣呢
傷了痛了懂了 就能好了嗎

我愛他 轟轟烈烈最瘋狂
我的夢 狠狠碎過卻不會忘
逃不開 愛越深越互相傷害
越深的依賴 越多的空白

如果還有遺憾 是分手那天
我奔騰的眼淚 都停不下來
若那一刻重來 我不哭

学会 --- 许慧欣

幾片落葉 孤單的很絕對 九月的風 讓心很累
我走過分手那天的街尾 紀念我深深愛過的人是誰

愛像指紋印在心裡真的很美 應該忘了你 可是我學不會

別再問我那一天才能學會 我要的世界 你不能給
有些愛情會給時間一些香味 它遲了一點卻把我的心灌醉

誰看見我流過了幾次眼淚 它滴在心裡 讓我學會
每段故事都有屬於它的收尾 它偶爾可以提醒我自己 不能退

回憶讓季節拿走他的顏色 走著走著 你就會忘記我

谢谢你, 最后留给我的回忆。。。 那个最美,最温暖的回忆。。。 像你说的,真的很难忘。


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